Dry needling is a treatment method that came over from Canada and has been used for years as a pain relief within regular physical therapy. By means of a special technique, muscles are punctured and become relaxed quickly and for a long time. This treatment uses an acupuncture needle and no liquid is injected into the muscle.
Dry needling is not the same as classical acupuncture. In classical acupuncture, several needles are often inserted superficially into the body. They remain there for some time (20-30 minutes) and influence the energy balance in the body. Dry needling usually uses only one needle, which is used to briefly stimulate the muscle. It works on specific points in the muscle called trigger points and is not an energy treatment.
Some of the pain symptoms that dry needling can help with include:
- Stiff muscles and joints
- Neck, shoulder, arm, elbow and wrist complaints
- Complaints of the lower back, hips, buttocks and legs
- Muscle trigger points
At Medifit you can receive dry needling treatment performed by one of our specialists.