
Signing up for a rehabilitation programme

Thank you for considering applying for our specialized rehabilitation care! Below, you will find everything you need to know for the first steps of enrolment. In order to register for a rehabilitation programme, there are several things you need to take into account. We list them below.

Make an appointment

Interested in learning more about the specialized programme? Then we would like to invite you to make the first appointment with our rehabilitation doctor or a therapist. You can contact the reception desk via the contact form below or via the following telephone number(+34 ) 96 649 54 48. If you need to cancel an appointment, please contact our reception desk at least 24 hours in advance.


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Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 19.00 hrs.
Saturday from 10.00 to 13.00 hrs.
Telephone: (+34) 966 495 448

over ons Medifit


To be eligible for a rehabilitation programme, it is essential for you to obtain a referral from a rehabilitation doctor. This can be written by a rehabilitation doctor in your area or by our own rehabilitation doctor. However, before you can come to the rehabilitation specialist, you need a referral from the general practitioner or specialist for the rehabilitation doctor.

If you want to come to MedifitReha, please contact us as soon as possible. We will then arrange everything (application, transport, admission, etc.) for you as quickly as possible.

Costs and reimbursements

According to the Dutch and European legislation, your health insurer is obliged to reimburse the costs of clinical and outpatient rehabilitation treatment under the basic insurance. However, this requires an indication from a rehabilitation doctor. We work in collaboration with all Dutch health insurers. MedifitReha’s services department takes care of the administrative processing and provides you with information on, for example, application procedures, regulations, and reimbursements.



During your treatment, we record your administrative and medical data in a (medical) dossier. We also record your details in a patient registration system and in the financial administration. Only those staff members who are involved in your treatment are allowed to view your details. They have a duty of confidentiality towards others.


review henny vissers - witte

Henny Vissers - Witte, the Netherlands

For all fellow sufferers, no matter how sad the circumstances are, when you visit the rehabilitation clinic in Moraira, you can learn a lot with the cooperation of this fantastic team of therapists, both physically and mentally!
Jos Jansen - Patient Meditit Reha

Jos Jansen, the Netherlands

I trained hard with the therapists for 8 weeks. As a result, I now have much more stamina. I also feel much better. The healthy air on the Costa Blanca has also helped.
review esther

Esther, the Netherlands

From the first moment that my wife Esther came to Spain to the last moment she was taken care of. Esther's recovery has been worked on both physically and spiritually and with success! We have never regretted it and will recommend it to anyone!
review Klaas Jan Hindriks

Klaas Jan Hindriks - Foreign Correspondent NOS, the Netherlands

Your organization and treatment center is not only distinguished by its medical knowledge, but above all by the dedication and inspiring support of the extremely experienced employees.

Nanda, the Netherlands

Really, what a fantastic rehabilitation center! Just got back 2.5 weeks after hip surgery. What a professional and lovely beautiful people! Highly recommended for anyone who gets "no" aftercare here, I recommend: go to Spain and Medifit ... health insurers reimburse this. Fantastic team!!
Mildred May patient recensie medifit reha

Mildred May, The Hague

I was made to feel very comfortable by the lovely caring therapists. I also stayed in a nice apartment where I got some rest. These 6 weeks have made me a lot stronger and more confident.

Chiel (Michael) & Aty Visser-Dekker, The Netherlands

Michael arrived in Moraira in a wheelchair and left with only a cane as a (temporary) support when walking. Far better than we had ever hoped for!
review debbie

Debbie, the Netherlands

You can literally leave the daily worries at home and focus completely on your recovery, both mentally and physically. A great concept and great lovely people! I have a goal again and see the future a bit, it was zero for this adventure!

Chiel (Michael) & Aty Visser-Dekker, The Netherlands

Michael arrived in Moraira in a wheelchair and left with only a cane as a (temporary) support when walking. Far better than we had ever hoped for! Far better than we had ever hoped for!


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