Chronic pain rehabilitation

Rehabilitation for chronic pain

Pain is a warning signal that protects us. For example, it ensures that you don’t continue walking on a broken leg. Acute pain is thus useful. However, pain can also become chronic. We refer to chronic pain when the symptoms persist longer than usual, even after the cause has healed or remains stable. In this case, there is no longer a direct relationship with the original injury.

The initially useful warning function of pain is lost, while the pain itself persists and takes on a life of its own. This can significantly affect daily activities. You may start avoiding certain movements out of fear of the pain, which still feels acute. Or you try to ignore the pain, which can be difficult or impossible to maintain with severe pain.

When prolonged pain significantly hinders your daily activities, a pain rehabilitation program at Medifit HCB can be the solution. Pain rehabilitation is suitable for individuals with chronic pain symptoms where various investigations and treatments have not resulted in improvement. This includes low back pain, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic neck pain, and other forms of chronic pain affecting the musculoskeletal system.

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Stay and treatment at Medifit Daniya center

During the pain rehabilitation program, you’ll stay on a full-board basis at Medifit HCB’s care hotel in Denia. The treatments are carried out in our treatment rooms, exercise areas, indoor swimming pool, and outdoors.

The pain rehabilitation program is the result of collaboration among healthcare providers, medical professionals, and paramedical specialists specialized in treating chronic conditions.

The pain rehabilitation program at Medifit HCB aims to teach you how to manage chronic pain and its consequences. Additionally, unlike many other programs, we also focus on directly combating the pain. This combination enables you to take control of the problem yourself, so you can fully participate in society again.

Unfortunately, a magical treatment or ‘quick fix’ does not exist. At Medifit, we’ve designed a comprehensive, scientifically backed treatment program that involves 6 weeks of on-site care followed by 3 months of online guidance. We aim to help you alleviate your symptoms as much as possible and learn how to cope with them effectively. The content of the pain rehabilitation program focuses on addressing the root causes of the symptoms and learning how to manage them effectively.

This is how we assess your symptoms:

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What makes our approach so successful?

  • Specific individual program
  • Targeted at the cause of chronic pain.
  • We work according to the latest scientific insights
  • For each specific cause, a specialist in that area
  • Highly experienced interdisciplinary team

Step 1

Identifying the causes

  • History (what happened), education/information about chronic pain conducted by a chronic pain specialist.
  • Mobility tests;
  • Neurological examination;
  • Psychological examination;
  • Nutrition consultation.

Pain rehabilitation program based on scientific research

The intensity for rehabilitating persistent symptoms is based on certain “training zones.” Therefore, with us, training and/or exercises are not conducted in the so-called “danger zone”. We do not engage in activities that cause excessive overstimulation far into the symptoms. On the other hand, we work based on the most recent scientific research.

6 weeks

Complete program

Ideal for patients with 3 or more causes of symptoms

The causes of the symptoms are identified, after which an extensive and intensive treatment program is initiated. This program continues online after returning home.


Frank Bierlee, Nederland

Op 09/11 ben ik begonnen met de 8 weken interne COPD Revalidatie van MedifitReha hier in Spanje. Dit was voor mij de laatste kans, ik was niet meer blij met dit leven. Alles door de gevolgen van COPD. Het snakken naar adem , geen 5 meter meer kunnen lopen, de longaanvallen, en vooral het snakken naar adem.
En ook voor de omgeving was het niet fijn om me zo te zien.

Henny Vissers – Witte, the Netherlands

For all fellow sufferers, no matter how sad the circumstances are, when you visit the rehabilitation clinic in Moraira, you can learn a lot with the cooperation of this fantastic team of therapists, both physically and mentally!

Janine Vorstenbosch, Nederland

Wat was het een fantastische ervaring en het heeft mij veel gebracht. 8 weken revalideren zowel fysiek als mentaal. In de setting van een heel fijn zorghotel, waar het mij werkelijk aan niets ontbrak. Waar ik naast het dagelijks oefenen en trainen tot rust kwam. Een bonus was het ontmoetten van lotgenoten. Vele mooie gesprekken s’avonds op het terras.
