Rehabilitation abroad is becoming increasingly popular. The attractive surroundings, the healthy climate and the excellent medical facilities make rehabilitation in Spain at Medifit Reha a logical choice. Nevertheless, common questions are ‘does my health insurance cover treatment abroad?’ or ‘what are the costs of rehabilitation abroad?’ People are also often worried about the administrative handling of a rehabilitation project in Spain.
According to European legislation, your health insurer is obliged to reimburse the costs of in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation treatment. You will have to apply for this through the European treatment abroad scheme and will need forms E112/S2 completed by our treating consultant for reimbursement. Your consultant specialist will have to refer you and has to provide all details to your treating consultant. From there we will help with all the details of this.
De afdeling materiële dienstverlening van MedifitReha zorgt voor de administratieve afwikkeling en geeft u informatie over bijvoorbeeld aanvraagprocedures, regelingen en vergoedingen.
Wilt u meer informatie over de kosten en vergoedingen van het revalideren bij MedifitReha in Spanje? Neem dan vrijblijvend contact met ons op.